
Following mixed reactions to the Wii U, Nintendo decided to lean harder into the realm of dual-functionality with its follow-up, the Nintendo Switch. Instead of using a supplemental touchscreen as found in the Wii U Gamepad, the Switch featured a portable tablet as the console itself. The table could be docked for traditional TV play or attached to twin Joy-Con controllers to be played as a handheld console. Like the original Wii Remote, the Joy-Con controllers featured motion-sensing functionality. As is the case for most modern consoles, the vast majority of the Switch's game library is available digitally through the Nintendo eShop. This hybrid-console concept was a hit with gamers, as were games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, and Pokemon Sword and Shield. With more than 68 million units shipped to date, the Switch proved to be far more successful than its predecessor. Released in March of 2017, the Switch remains in production—along with the handheld-only Nintendo Switch Light, which was released in the fall of 2019.

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