Virtual Boy

In the pantheon of video-game novelties and oddities, Nintendo's Virtual Boy holds a special place. Released in the summer of 1995 and discontinued roughly a year later, the Virtual Boy failed to deliver on a concept that was ahead of its time. Utilizing a head-mounted display and stereoscopic "3D" graphics, the Virtual Boy promised an immersive gaming experience. Unfortunately, its absence of true portability, an unappealing and monochromatic red LED display, and a lack of game support quickly pushed the Virtual Boy out of the market. With very limited accessory support and only a few choice titles—like Jack Bros., Wario Land, Mario Tennis, and 3D Tetris—the Virtual Boy had little to offer and was a critical and commercial failure. Nearly three decades later, however, its short production run has made the Virtual Boy and many of its games prized targets for hardcore collectors.

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